Dengue, a mosquito-borne viral infection, causes severe flu-like symptoms, but can develop into potentially deadly haemorrhagic fever. 登革热是一种蚊媒病毒感染,它会导致严重的流感样症状,还会发展为可能致死的出血热。
Yellow fever is a viral haemorrhagic fever transmitted to people by infected mosquitoes. 黄热病是一种病毒性出血热,通过受感染的蚊子传播给人。
Lassa viral haemorrhagic fever is an acute illness of1-4 weeks duration that occurs in West Africa. 拉沙病毒性出血热是发生在西非的一种病程1-4周的急性疾病。
Filoviruses cause two types of viral haemorrhagic fever: Marburg and Ebola. 线状病毒可引起两种病毒性出血热:马尔堡出血热和埃博拉出血热。